28th June 2011

Queensland University of Technology's (QUT) Faculty of Education has been named a partner in one of the world's largest academic research networks to be established in the area of early childhood education.

Funded by a $5.4 million Cooperative Research Network grant, QUT along with Charles Sturt University and Monash University, will develop research capacity building in staff as well as link researchers across institutions.

QUT's Faculty of Education Executive Dean Professor Wendy Patton said early childhood was a critical period in human development.

"Early childhood education has life-long impacts on wellbeing, learning and socioeconomic outcomes," Professor Patton said.

"This collaboration will deliver world-class research capacity and enable the development of the next generation of international-level researchers.

"This network will also make possible landmark research on critical areas of childhood learning, and establish a cumulative base of knowledge to drive Australian and international policy and programs."

Professor Patton said the grant would provide fellowships for early and middle-career academics, as well as scholarships to help students complete their doctoral studies and build QUT's existing partnerships.

She said the QUT School of Early Childhood had an established relationship with Charles Sturt University with staff collaborating on ARC grants and joining together in a national consortium that developed the new national 0‐5 curriculum, the Early Years Learning Framework.

"In addition QUT, CSU and MU were successful collaborators in a joint European Union Mobility program where staff and students are supported to travel to develop international research alliances," she said.

Media contact
- Sandra Hutchinson, QUT media officer (Tue/Wed), 07 3138 2999 or s3.hutchinson@qut.edu.au

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